步驟 1 決志禱告
If you will, allow God to be your Lord, you're invited to repeat after the following prayer:
" Dear God, my Heavenly Father, I'd like to open my heart and welcome You to be the Saviour and the Lord of my life. Thank you for giving me the life of your precious Son. Thank you for forgiving all my sins. I pray that you'll watch over of my whole life, in the name of jesus, Amen."
Congratulations, you've made the greatest decision in your life. Now you are invited to become a part of Banner Church family, and join our weekly service and fellowship. May the Lord ever be with you !
STEP 1 Prayer Of Confession

God, lead me

步驟 2 加入小組
The cell group is like a mini-home, everyone in the group can enjoy the open atmosphere, share each other, encourage, pray, eat and drink together, but also to learn the words of God! Together to enjoy the rich in the Lord !
STEP 2 Join The Cell Group

步驟 3 參加培育
God loves us to know more about Him and live according to the teachings of the Bible. Banner Church has a very complete equipping system, if you want to register, please consult your cell group leader.
STEP 3 Participate In Equipping Classes
步驟 4 接受洗禮
Bible says " having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead." (Colossians 2:12)
"Baptism" or "Baptize" is like a wedding, is to accept Jesus and recognize Him in a public occasion. After baptized, your life has become a new life with Jesus !
STEP 4 Accept baptism

Knowing God is the happiest thing in life
you are welcome to join the Banner Church family
enjoy the beautiful love with one and others